Sometimes our almost 4 year old needs jobs. You can ask him to clean up his toys but where's the fun in that?! If he has a task, he's usually willing to do it. Here are some jobs we have him do when we are outside. We do not actually send him out on the tractor to mow the lawn and wish him luck but look how cute! He loves pretending. These are not daily but if he's looking for something to do, these are our go tos.
1. Weed the gardens or pull out dandelions. In our yard, this is quite a job. I HATE weeding. Yuck. As you can see in this picture, we fenced off an area we were trying to grow grass in to keep the kids, neighbors, dogs and cats out.
2. Pick up sticks and stack them near the fire pit. This is always a fun task. Sometimes Cole will break out the wheelbarrow or use his ride on tractor with wagon to drive around and then unload the sticks.
3. "Mow the lawn" or "string trim" Okay, so this isn't an actual chore but Cole takes this job very serious. Cole has a bubble lawn mower, John Deere tractor, chainsaw and string trimmer. The tools are really cool and make sounds. Anything that will hold a little boy's attention for more than 10 minutes is well worth it in my book!
4. Help water the plants. I will either fill up the watering can for Cole or help him with the hose. He loves playing with water so if your little one is anything like him, it may be a bit of a struggle to regain control of the hose or shut it off.
5. Sweeping the decks. After mowing, our decks are always covered in dirt. This year, we've had SO many pine needles falling. WHY?! I can't even bring it up or my husband might start weeping about them falling in our pool all day. Which deck color do you like? One is in the front of the house and one in the back. I prefer the teal color in the back of the house though in this picture, it is still wet.
Here are the same toys or similar items we used above on amazon. We definitely got our money's worth. They are great gift ideas for young boys. Cole received his tractor for his second birthday and still loves to drive it. I believe the others were 3rd birthday presents that are still used very often. What outdoor toys do your kids use almost every day?

1. Weed the gardens or pull out dandelions. In our yard, this is quite a job. I HATE weeding. Yuck. As you can see in this picture, we fenced off an area we were trying to grow grass in to keep the kids, neighbors, dogs and cats out.
2. Pick up sticks and stack them near the fire pit. This is always a fun task. Sometimes Cole will break out the wheelbarrow or use his ride on tractor with wagon to drive around and then unload the sticks.
3. "Mow the lawn" or "string trim" Okay, so this isn't an actual chore but Cole takes this job very serious. Cole has a bubble lawn mower, John Deere tractor, chainsaw and string trimmer. The tools are really cool and make sounds. Anything that will hold a little boy's attention for more than 10 minutes is well worth it in my book!
4. Help water the plants. I will either fill up the watering can for Cole or help him with the hose. He loves playing with water so if your little one is anything like him, it may be a bit of a struggle to regain control of the hose or shut it off.
5. Sweeping the decks. After mowing, our decks are always covered in dirt. This year, we've had SO many pine needles falling. WHY?! I can't even bring it up or my husband might start weeping about them falling in our pool all day. Which deck color do you like? One is in the front of the house and one in the back. I prefer the teal color in the back of the house though in this picture, it is still wet.
Here are the same toys or similar items we used above on amazon. We definitely got our money's worth. They are great gift ideas for young boys. Cole received his tractor for his second birthday and still loves to drive it. I believe the others were 3rd birthday presents that are still used very often. What outdoor toys do your kids use almost every day?
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