5 Kids Activities using a $1 Fly Swatter

1. Fly Swatter Painting
Make an artistic masterpiece by pouring paint colors on a tray or paper plate, dipping the fly Swatter in the paint and swatting at the paper. Beautiful!

2. Fly Swatter Bubbles
Mix up a solution of bubbles using 3 cups of water and 1 cup of dish soap. Mix it up in a Tupperware container. Dip the fly Swatter in and fling it fast in the air to make foamy bubbles and millions of tiny ones. You can also blow through it to get more bubbles.

3. Swat the balloon
Blow up a few balloons (or rubber gloves is all we had on hand) and set up a laundry basket or cardboard box. Try to swat the balloons into the basket. This should provide giggles and entertainment for a while! Also, a while in my book is more than 5 minutes!

4. Fly Swatter Golf
Using your fly Swatter as a golf club, putt a ball, plastic golf ball or ping pong ball into an empty tin can, cardboard box, under a table, between two posts or in a net. You can really adapt this for whatever you have on hand. If you have a few kids, have races to see who can get a goal first.

5. Jumping Jellyfish Sensory Bin
Water sensory play is so much fun, especially on a hot day. We added cotton balls, glitter, food coloring, sequins and water beads. Using the fly Swatter, we scooped out cotton balls and jellyfish for the pool. It’s fun to stick your hands in a soggy cotton ball glittery mess! Save the jellyfish! You could use any type of sea creature, bug or toad and practice scooping out with the fly swatter or swatting the water to make a splash.
