5 Ways to Prepare for Back to Daycare

Well, that was a short 5 1/2 months said no one ever. Cole goes back to daycare Monday and I’m starting to plan to on getting back in that Monday through Friday routine. I’m trying to make it easy on all of us because I feel like this will be a very difficult transition. 

1. I loaded up on snacks in bags and fruit cups for lunches because a few minutes saved is nice. Last year, I always made lunch in the morning and it was chaos. I plan on doing it the night before and having Cole be involved to help put things in his lunch bag. 

2. Talking about it. I’ve been mentioning going back to school a few times a day for the last few weeks.  I want Cole to be prepared. Now with all of the new rules, I’m also letting him know he will not be allowed to bring a blanket or stuffed animal. He LOVES his animals. That’s going to be a real tough one. Mornings might be hell for a while. 

3.  Practice hand washing and using hand sanitizer. We use hand sanitizer in the car a lot so Cole is used to it. He is good about washing his hands on his own and needs to be reminded a few times. He sings the happy birthday song so he’s scrubbing enough. The loud and wild renditions of happy birthday are not my favorite. 

4. Practice mask wearing. Meemaw made us all masks that can be washed. Once Cole started occasionally running to the post office (the post if you ask him. Thanks Peppa Pig) and running into the store, he wore his. He’s really good about it except that his hair is so long, it falls off his ears sometime. Have your child wear it around the house for periods of time and slowly increase the amount of time they wear it. 

5. This weekend I’m decluttering and cleaning Cole’s room So he has a good night’s sleep. He’ll have a bath and some lavender lotion. I have a roller ball essential oil with lavender too so sometimes that helps. 

Keep an eye on any symptoms. Take a temperature every morning before you leave the house. We’ve been runny nose free for over 5 months so it’s been great! I’m sure that will all change. The average kid gets 5-9 colds a year that last 1-3 weeks. It’s not going to be an easy year. I’m stressed and anxious about going back and I’m sure Cole can tell but I’m trying not to show it. Hang in there!
