How to Make a Birthday Special During Quarantine

This was the first year that we didn't plan a party, send out invites or come up with a theme and it was still fun! Yesterday, we had some family over for a pool day and we had cupcakes. Since no one was coming over on Cole's actual birthday, we wanted to make it super special for him. Below are some easy and affordable ways to make a kid's day feel special when they are not able to have all of their friends and family over. I did these 5 but don't worry, I've included more ways to make a birthday special during the pandemic.

1. Decorate their room with balloons while they sleep.
Please forgive my pictures. It was dark. It was late. And I didn't want to wake the crab! I bought a bag of 20 balloons at Dollar General and blew them all up. I got two Paw Patrol Balloons at $2 each. He came running down and was very surprised. What a fun way to wake up on your birthday! This didn't take as long as I thought it would to blow them up. I watched my show while I did it and didn't fill them super full so they'd be easier to tie. It would go a lot faster with two people doing it. I asked the dog but he said no.

2. Decorate their door.
Decorate the door with streamers, balloons, banners or whatever! When they wake up to go outside, they will be able to walk through a decorated door, which is always fun! They will feel like a King or Queen! I also decorated the doorway between our living room and den. I put a few streamers at the bottom of the stairs like a finish line. Instead of breaking through like I thought he would, Cole went under them. The streamers were $1 each at Dollar General and I got them in light blue and dark blue.

3. Birthday Breakfast.
Make a special or fancy breakfast. Cook your child's favorite breakfast or make colorful pancakes (it's hard to tell but mine are swirled with food coloring) and top with whipped cream and sprinkles. Add a cherry if you have one! YUM!

4. Make presents fun to open!
You could do a scavenger hunt with clues. For older kids, give them GPS coordinates to try to find them. It will make it so much more fun than just tearing through them! I used a string and started at the front door. It went all over our yard, around trees, up the rock wall and down the slide with presents hiding along the way. It was a lot of fun for Cole and took up a good part of the morning after he was begging to open them, starting at 5:45. Yaaaawwwwnnn. I let him open one and he picked the cheese its that wouldn't fit in the pinata lol There was a really long video and it was cute so I could send it to my parents and sister. They enjoyed watching it. My dad said he had tears in his eyes laughing.
5. Pinata
Cole had a friend's birthday part the other day and there was a pinata. He really enjoyed it. We were going to do the pinata today but ended up doing it yesterday. I asked Cole if he wanted to do it with his cousin or by himself. Obviously it's more fun with others but I figured I'd ask. I bought some candy since Halloween candy is already out and snacks. Everyone made fun of me for putting cereal bars in haha. I was just thinking about stuff Cole would like for his snack drawer instead of cheap toys and candy. I bought the pinata at Dollar General and they seemed to range from $10-$15. We were able to take a swing down and hang the pinata from the beam.

Other things you could do on their special day:

Make or order a favorite dinner
Get ice cream at a favorite place or have an ice cream sundae party with toppings galore
Stagger friends and family to stop by throughout the day
Make a cake or cupcakes of their choice - I usually go all out with themes and Cole asked for cupcakes with chocolate frosting and sprinkes. DONE!
Have a cupcake decorating competition
Pick a movie to watch together
Play a favorite game
Ask them to pick any activity to play and get everyone to do it
Facetime friends and family you can't visit with
Decorate the whole yard and whole house with balloons and decorations
Set up a tent and camp outdoors or indoors
Set up a drive in movie using a projector

My mom used to make these ice cream cone cupcakes for school birthday parties and we loved them! I remembered them and thought I would make the same for Cole. I used Funfetti with chocolate frosting. Then I dipped them in a bowl of sprinkles. They were delicious and a big hit! After I filled my ice cream cones and put them in the oven, I looked at the box and there they were! A picture and directions to make them! How funny. I haven't seen them in so long and now they are popping up!
I think what I've learned is that you really don't need to go crazy and get stressed out during kid's birthdays. Spending time with family is what's important. Yesterday we just had burgers and hot dogs on the grill with some sides. I made the cupcakes in the morning rather than stressing about themes and spending a lot of money on fancy cake decorations, it was a lot more laid back. Keep their birthday simple and just make it all about them!

What special ideas have you done? 

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