FREE Ways to Make the Holiday Season Special for Kids

With nowhere to go and events canceled, these activities are sure to put a smile on your family’s faces during this holiday season FOR FREE! We will be attending number 1 today! We are lucky enough that our town still has a Christmas parade. Check out some of the other ideas. Basic family activities can turn into traditions and make some wonderful Christmas memories. 

1. Attend a Christmas parade 

It’s always fun to see the trucks and bands. Oh, and the big guy, Santa himself!

2. Have a hot cocoa night

Make it extra special with marshmallows, whipped cream and candy canes. Set up a little hot cocoa bar with all of your toppings out!

3. Christmas movie night

Skip the hallmark movie (yes, I’m talking to myself) and watch a family Christmas movie  Change into your pajamas, Christmas ones if you have them! This year I got us all matching pajamas and I never thought my husband would be into it but he is! Just no photos please. We got ours at Old Navy on sale.  

4. Decorate the tree

We haven’t decorated ours yet but just looking at the lights at night is really pretty. It’s always fun to go through the ornaments and find my childhood favorites to show Cole and he always picks out his favorite. 

5. Look through the toy catalogs

When we got the amazon toy catalog and Target toy catalog, it provided HOURS of entertainment. Have your child grab a pen and circle some things they like. Cole is not even getting a quarter of what he circled but it’s fun to dream. Haha. 

6. Make cookies

Sugar cookies are the best when it comes to decorating. Our neighbor gifted us with a huge box of sugar cookie mix in 5 separate bags. It’s fun to use all those Christmas okie cutters again. 

7. Deliver a plate of cookies to your neighbor

When we were little, we lived on a dead end road and knew all of our neighbors. We’d make gingerbread houses and bring a plate of cookies to all of the neighbors. Spread some holiday cheer to those who may be lonely and unable to see family. 

8. Write a letter to Santa

Put all that toy catalog searching to good use and write a letter to Santa. Did you know you can mail one through the post office and have a response sent? Here are all of the details: USPS Santa Mail

9.  Visit Santa

Hopefully you’re able to find a Santa event close that is outside and safe. Even if you just see him and wave, it’s still a lot of fun! 

10. Paper Snowflakes

Grab the scissors and some paper to test your snowflake making skills. Hang them on the windows or decorate your child’s room. 

11. Listen to Christmas music

Listen to music while you cook or clean or bake with your kids. Find some of the funny songs or classics. 

12. Make ornaments

Dip a pine cone in glitter or cut out a Christmas tree, add string and glue on sequin ornaments and glitter for garlands (if you’re brave.) I remember making a snowman cutout with a rigatoni scarf my teach spray painted in gold. And I think my mom still has it!

13.  Make a bird feeder

Spread peanut butter on a pine cone and dip it in birdseed. If you don’t have birdseed, you raisins and oatmeal or sunflower seeds. Hot glue a ribbon to the pine cone and hang it somewhere you can see it. 

14  Make a winter bucket list

See if your child includes anything on this list! It’s fun for them to have a list and check off fun activities as you do them. 

15. Make Christmas cards

Make homemade Christmas cards this year and include a photo. A homemade card will brighten anyone’s day!

16.  Make a gingerbread house 

Okay, so this one may not be free if you need to buy a gingerbread kit but there are other ways to make a house! Use graham crackers or even pop tarts. Check out the directions for the pop tart house Here. Seems easy enough!

17. Get a Video from Santa

Get a personalized message and video from Santa for free Here Your kids will be amazed! This is great for teachers too!

18. Leave a present for the mailman

We’ve left gift cards or even little baskets. One year I made a paper mail truck and put a candy bar with it. Watch them get the mail and see them smile!

19.  Make a paper garland chain

Use white paper, red and green construction paper or scrapbook paper to make paper chains. Who can make the longest one? Add them to the tree or let your child decorate their room. 

20.  Build a snowman

You’ve got to hold out for that good sticky “snowman” snow. Did you even grow up in New England if as an adult you don’t say, “this is good snowman snow” every time?

21. Sledding

Find a good hill to go sledding down. This will provide hours of entertainment , fresh air and hopefully wear the kids out. 

22. Take a family photo

Take a family photo outside or in front of the Christmas tree to use as your ChrisTomas card or just to keep

23. Make Cardboard gingerbread men or Houses

Make little ones or big ones depending on what you keep ordering from amazon this year. Cut out a simple gingerbread man or woman shape and decorate with markers or paint. 

24. Read Christmas books

I pull out all of the Christmas books and Blount them in a basket to read. You could wrap them and open one for ever day of December or the twelve days of Christmas. 

25. Christmas scavenger hunt

There are a million free printables for a scavenger hunt or make your own! Try this one

26. Christmas milk and cookies

Add a few drops of green food coloring to milk and dip your cookies in it. If you are feeling extra fancy you can dip the rim of the glass in green or red sprinkles before you add the milk.

27. Make Grinch pancakes or waffles

Add green food coloring to waffle or pancake mix for a special green treat.

28. Christmas cookie cutter play dough

Use Christmas cookie cutters on play dough and decorate with buttons, sequins and pipe cleaners.

29. Collect toys and books

Donate unwanted toys and books. You may have to do this without your child’s help haha. It feels good to refresh and donate the toys so someone else may use them.

30. Wrap presents together

Spend time together wrapping presents. It’s always fun to see kid wrapped gifts on Christmas.

31. Drive around and look at Christmas lights

We have a house down the road that goes ALL OUT! It’s like a Christmas wonderland. It’s fun to just take a drive and see how many houses are decked out with lights and inflatables.

32. Make popcorn balls

This is a Martha Stewart recipe and has no corn syrup. You can’t go wrong with Martha! Try it Here

33.  Make a breakfast casserole

Make a casserole for Christmas or Christmas Eve morning. We make stuffed French toast casserole and it is delicious! This Recipe is similar. I don’t measure anything so I’d have to write my recipe down after I make it.  

34. Puzzle

A Christmas puzzle if you have one is even better! Do a puzzle together as a family while listening to Christmas music or watching a Christmas movie  

35.  Virtual Christmas carols

Call or FaceTime grandma or a loved one to sing some Christmas songs!

36. Family white elephant swap

Everyone can wrap something they already have that they no longer want and do a gift exchange yankee swap style.

37. Make snow angels

Once it snows, you can make a family of snow angels! 

38. Make a popcorn garland

Pop a bunch of popcorn and string it on fishing line to decorate your tree. Maybe eat some too.

39. Make hand and foot reindeer

Make a reindeer by tracing your child’s foot on construction paper. Trace their hands for antlers, cut out and assemble the deer. Add eyes and a nose. I remember making these when I was little. 

40. Make fake snow 

Sensory play fake snow with just two ingredients. Find the recipe Here. You’ll need baking soda and shaving cream.

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