3 Easy DIY Snowglobes and Ornaments

It’s almost November....so we’ve been crafting some Christmas items! These items are all in my shop, so you can purchase there or make your own! I’ll tell you how. Cole made one of each so we could show them off.

My shop

DIY Snowglobe 

You’ll need:

A snowglobe, we got ours at Dollar Tree

Fake snow or glitter (dollar tree for ours)

Some doodads to decorate (the bottlebrush trees are from Dollar Tree and the trucks and campers from Hobby Lobby)

Water or baby oil to fill the globe


Hot glue gun and glue sticks

To make:

Lightly sand the bottom surface that you’ll be gluing to. I had my son place the items where he wanted then I glued them on for him.  Our directions said to wait 24 hours before filling. We waited overnight and it seemed fine. 

Flip your globe upside down and add your glitter and/or fake snow. Fill your globe with water or baby oil. This was new to me too! We tried the baby oil because I read it gives a slower snow swirl. It’s really pretty! It kind of hangs in the “air.”  

Put the stopper in and glue around it. Yes, you’ll want to/need to! You can use hot glue or E3000 and then put the cover on. We did not do this and the next more there was baby oil on the mantle. It leaks very slowly. Rather than plug in the glue gun and wait (not that I’m lazy....okay, maybe) I put e3000 around the stopper then put the cover on. I flipped the globe upside down in a bowl and let it dry for the day. That fixed it!  

There you have it, a super cute globe kids can make!

Get your snowglobe kit here

DIY Snowglobe Ornament Shaker

You’ll need: 

Fillable ornament (we got ours at Dollar Tree)

Fake snow (we got a fake glittery snow and a styrofoam ball snow - both from Dollar Tree)

Doodads (the trees are from Dollartree and the cute little Santas and deer are from Hobby Lobby)

Hot glue and glue sticks

To make:

I had Cole place the items where he wanted, being sure to keep them off the edge a little so the top could fit and twist on. I glued them, waited a minute for them to dry. 

We flipped the “bowl” upside down and added or snow then twisted the bottom on. 

Voila! It’s that easy and pretty cute. Since you don’t add water, it’s more like a snow shaker. 

Get your kit here!

DIY Wood Snowflakes

You’ll need:

Wood cutouts (they have them at Dollar Tree now but mine are from amazon)

Paint (I use the Apple Barrel kind from Walmart)



Paintbrush  (I found cute little foam paintbrushes at Walmart that fit perfectly in my kits) 

To make:

Put down some paper. Paint the snowflake. While the paint is wet sprinkle the glitter and sequins. You could let the paint dry then cover with mod podge to glitter and sequins for extra security. Let dry and watch them sparkle!

Get your snowflake kit here
